Friday, June 15, 2012

Everybody's getting sick!

Everybody is getting sick here in Canyon, and there are probably many reasons for this.

  1.    We all live and work very close together, so it is hard to get away and quarantine yourself for a day or two
  2. Most people are in their first 3 weeks of work, so no one wants to take off, and they end up bringing their sick selves to work and spreading it to everyone else.
  3. The RA's (Room attendants) have to clean sometimes up to 50 rooms filled with people who have come from all over the world and bring strains of different viruses and illnesses with them, so they are normally the first hit.
  4. People in the dish pit in the kitchen have to deal with guests and visitors dirty dishes, and even though they are cleaned and sanitized in near-boiling water, some germs still manage to get us before we get them.
  5. The weather here is unpredictable. In the early afternoon you may go out on a hike and it be in the upper 50's-lower 60's, but within an hour or so the clouds can roll in, the temperature drop, and rain or even snow begin to accumulate, and if you go out under dressed, you could get sick (this happens a lot to employees who go out camping or hiking on their days off). 
     Not to mention we all use the same laundry room, bathrooms, one computer (which everyone seems to like to COUGH all over -GROSS!!!!), one pay phone, gym, and rec center equipment, you are bound to catch a slight cold in the least. It's just kind of funny because you never think about getting a cold in the summer time.....then again, no one really remembers its summer here on top of the mountain where its barely above60 half of the time.....

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